The Gift Of Nothing!

Are you stuck for something to give your loved ones for their birthday? Do you just want to smile today? Well then, I have a real gift that you can get today! There is…. The gift of nothing. Seriously, that is the link to the gift of nothing. So, now you will always have […]

Yodeling Pickle!

I found the coolest thing ever! It’s called a… Yodeling Pickle. You can get it now on Amazon for $10.99, 27% off! It will come tomorrow, free shipping only if your total order is more than $35! It’s the best thing ever! When I first saw it, it made my day! Because, seriously, what in […]

Places I Want to Visit

Hi again! I want to blog about places I want to go. Here’s my top list: 10. Canada 9. Brazil 8. Spain 7. France 6. England 5. Ireland 4. Japan 3. Italy 2. Poland 1. Luxembourg And that’s my list! Also, if you don’t know of Luxembourg, it’s an extremely tiny country, surrounded by France […]


I had no idea what to blog about, so I asked my friend, readitandwrite_sahana26, what I should blog about. She gave me the best. Idea. Ever. She said to blog about Wisconsin. Now, now, everyone knows that Wisconsin is the best. My mom was born and raised there, and my grandparents live there. I go […]

My Locker

I have a locker. It is near a lot of weird boy lockers. And you know what happens when these weird boys have their ten friends come over? They stand right in front of my locker. Usually, I’m just walking to my locker from my last class, and there they are. These strange boys just […]

Wisdom Tooth… Or Is It?

I want to write about my…. my…. my…. wisdom tooth! It pains me even to just write that…! Basically, about a week ago, I got this pain in the back of my mouth, near my gum. I looked in the mirror and thought, “Eh, it’ll go away in a few days,” Then I shrugged, left […]

The Best Quote Ever!

Wow. I mean wow. I was going to write about how I got my wisdom tooth a few days ago (it really hurts!), but I need to blog about this quote I just read. This quote in one word is: Fantastic…. The quote is: “We’ve been fooled into thinking we need others to be happy.” […]


So as you can tell, I have a font and a text color that I use starting a few blog posts ago. If you have no idea what I mean, then on one on my other posts, click the “Continue Reading” button. Pick any new-ish post. There should be a causal font and a magenta-red-ish […]


Velvet is confusing to me. If you sweep your hand one way across it, it feels smooth. If you sweep your hand the other way across it, it feels rough and textured. I don’t get it. Every time someone says *blank* is velvet, I try to figure out which way is smooth. It’s hard. I […]

Older Brothers

I have an older brother. He’s pretty nice, but… Older siblings CAN be mean. Just throwing that out there. “Can” meaning a lot of the time. Older brothers are rough. Which is why (to the surprise of most people I know), I have rough housed before. I have tackled, tickled (my brothers weakness), and hugged […]